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Nomadic Rituals - Tides

Nomadic Rituals have brought out a tightly assembled album that shows an increasing maturity in confidence to explore their sound. The album preserves the corrosive edge brought about by their harsh vocals, and the sparse use of samples and synths provide an increased depth to the album and its tone. Tides is a great start to the year, and benefits from repeated listening. Listeners could be forgiven for being briefly confused as this album kicks off; there's some versatility on show with about three minutes of pleasant almost post-rock grooves that have a bit of a feel of Pidgn and Conjurer's  Curse these Metal Hands.  This doesn't last too long; after you've been lulled into a mild post-rock state of relaxation, the band snaps into focus and hits you on the head with a wall of bass. From there things progress more as expected, with harsh leading vocals that push a pleasant edge to the sludgy doom. The vocals might seem ill-suited if you're unfamiliar with the ban...

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Ten albums from 2020